Engineer Pass

Route Map

June 18-20 1999.     728 miles

In June I took a three-day tour around Colorado to test the bike with full equipment. The first day (240 mi.) I headed out from Colorado Springs through Walsenburg, Alamosa, and Antonito, camping near the New Mexico Border at Spectacle Lake (after about 5 miles of rain).

Loaded Tiger
The second day (211 mi.) took me (through a herd of cows) to Pagosa Springs and Durango (where I drove around a while before I finally found the SKA Brewery). That night I camped by the river near Silverton, a quaint old mining town on the west side of Engineer Pass, where I shared a fire with a very nice couple from Wisconsin and their son.

The bike had performed flawlessly up until then, but I really wanted to see what it could do, so on the third day (278 mi.) I took it up a very challenging, rough, single track, 4-wheel drive dirt "road" over Engineer Pass (12,800 ft.). Again the bike was outstanding. I knew I would be ready for anything on the way to Bella Coola and Back! Had lunch in Lake City before heading back home through Gunnison and Canon City.
Scenes in New Mexico Scenes in New Mexico Classic Train in New Mexico Classic Train in New Mexico Classic Train in New Mexico Downtown Silverton Silverton Road to Pass 1 Road to Pass 2 Road to Pass 3 Road to Pass 4 Road to Pass 5 On the Pass 1 On the Pass 2 The Road Down
Route Map

This Page Last Updated: 3/4/01
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