
Route Map

May 27-29 2000. 1100 miles

Trip over Memorial Day weekend with the High Country Cruisers (Local Chapter of the Valkyrie Owners Association).

Breakfast stop in Silverthorn Unaweep Canyon HCC riders in Unaweep Canyon Breakfast at Otto's (West Gate Inn) Alan and Karen Valkster along the Colorado River south of Cisco Along the Colorado River heading towards Moab Moab here we come!!! Rebel and Half-Pint in Colorado River canyon country Rick enjoying the good ride in Colorado River canyon country Eddie, Rick, and Dave in Arches National Park The Windows ...and another interesting rock formation Rebel and Half-Pint at Arches Rest stop by reservoir near Delores Chimney Rock as viewed towards the east -- heading towards Pagosa Springs Stop for a snack in Pagosa Springs East of Pagosa Springs heads towards Wolf Creek Pass East of Wolf Creek Pass nearing South Fork San Luis Valley rest stop Jack in small town in San Luis Valley Sheri at a rest stop in the San Luis Valley

Route Map

This Page Last Updated: 3/4/01
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