
Route Map

Sep 30 - Oct 1, 2000.     275 miles

(Note: More Pictures will be added when they are developed)

My seven year old daughter, Michelle, wanted to know what I did when I left home for one of my extended motorcycle trips, so I took her on an overnight trip to a beautiful campground nestled up against the Sangre de Christo mountains near Westcliffe. We packed up (making absolutely sure to get everything on her list) and headed out about 1:00 pm. We stopped for lunch on the way out of Colorado Springs, and again for some shopping in Westcliffe, before heading up to the foothills to find the campground. Michelle wanted to camp near other people, so we picked a site next to the only other occupied camp. There we met Kent and his three kids: Nick (13), Cody (4?), and Shanendoah (3). We shared a great fire, some hot dogs, marshmallows, and stories about Kent's travels in New Zealand.

The next morning was very windy, so we packed up and headed into Westcliffe with Kent and his kids for some breakfast. On the way back we detoured south through the Wet Mountains to see the Aspens changing colors. One of the most beautiful rides I've been on! We stopped at Bishop's Castle along the way, where Jim Bishop has been single-handedly building himself a full-size medieval castle since 1969 (see Bishop's Castle). We stopped for lunch at Colorado City, then decided it had been such a good ride that we turned around and rode back the way we had come. We took a short break for some caffein in Wetmore, and finally got home around 4:00 pm. Michelle was very tired, but I think she really enjoyed the ride (and the camping)!

Route Map

This Page Last Updated: 3/4/01
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