USA Florida
Daytona Bike Week '06

March 2 - 12, 2006.    

Thu, Mar 2

On the Road Got home from work around 5:30, packed up the truck, and headed for the trailer around 7:00 pm. Got the trailer loaded (after messing with the lock on the gate for a while) and got on the road around 10:00. Had a very pleasant ride past Richmond and stopped for the night just over the border of N.C. Listened to music for a while before drifting off to a good sleep around 2:00 am.

Fri, Mar 3

Stopping for Supplies Got up around 9:00 and headed south. Stopped at "South of the Border" to flush tanks and load up on water. Continued on with only one quick stop in Georgia before stopping for the night at a rest stop just south of Jacksonville. Got flashed on the road by other travelers to Daytona. Got to sleep around 1:00 am.

Sat, Mar 4

Boyd scores before I'm even Parked Cabbage Patch Band Got up around 9:00 and made the short trip to Daytona, stopping at the grocery store for supplies off route 40. Set up camp, chatted with some friendly neighbors, and went over to check out the Cabbage Patch. Setting up the Trailer Accessory Helped the neighbors set up and test their interesting and unique trailer accessory. Cooked some steaks and sampled a variety of liqueurs (including a bottle of Jaegermeister) before wandering around the campground for a while. Met some guys from Scotland, who came over to the trailer to party for a while. Listened to music with the neighbor until late.

Sun, Mar 5

Boyd and Dad on Main Street Got up late, had a good bacon, sausage, and cheese omelet, and headed down to Main Street. There was so much congestion that I parked before the bridge and walked over with Boyd. Cool Paint! Stopped for a pound of steamed shrimp at WiseGuys before making it to the beach. Boyd was acting up and not letting anyone handle him. A vendor stopped me and showed me a video from last year that contained a scene with Boyd and me in it! Got back to camp around 7:30 and made spaghetti for dinner. Went over to the Cabbage Patch briefly, then hung out by the Scot's fire, listening to music until late.

Mon, Mar 6

Speedway Choppers Does it fit? Got up and headed over to the speedway to check out the cycle shows (including Honda) and vendors. Bought a new vest and pin. Sat on a couple of nice choppers, but passed on the test rides. Went back to camp, cooked chicken and green beans for dinner, then headed over to the Cabbage Patch with the Scots. Enjoyed the T-shirt contest and the band until late, then stumbled home for the night. Wet T-shirt Contestant #3 Wet T-shirt Contestant #2 Wet T-shirt Contestant #1 Cabbage Patch Band

Tue, Mar 7

Boyd and Dad enjoying some Beers Together Rode up to the Harley Dealer, briefly checked out our Christmas campsite, and headed over to the Broken Spoke (Boyd was tired so he stayed home today). Saw two good bands (Joe Santana and Geneva). Went over to Iron Horse around dusk, then on to downtown and the Full Moon Saloon about 8:30 to see Mike Griffin. Unfortunately, he was AWOL, so we watched three other bands instead. Bought (and altered) some new chaps before heading back to camp. Not much going on at the Cabbage Patch, so I hung out at the Scot's fire with some Canadians for the last time (they left the next morning). The wrong Big Guy inside the Full Moon Outside Band at the Full Moon Saloon Geneva Joe Santana

Wed, Mar 8

Cole Slaw Wrestling Hung out at the Cabbage Patch for the day. A motorcycle jumper got hurt just as Boyd and I got there. Boyd was behaving much better by now and made many friends. Watched coleslaw wrestling for a while, then went back to camp to make steak and sausage for dinner. Took a good nap, then helped the neighbors with their "accessory". Wandered around the campground while they recruited dancers. Watched that for Dancing on the Pole Dancing on the Pole Dancing on the Pole a while, then some other kids as they burned up their tires (and an engine, I think). Hung out and listened to music until late.

Thu, Mar 9

Midget Wrestling Woke up slowly, made a great breakfast (sausage and egg scramble), and just hung out for a while. Finally headed over to Pub 44 in the early afternoon with Boyd to hear some bands and watch midget wrestling. Headed up the coast and came upon the Last Resort (of Eileen Wuornos fame). Got some souvenirs, then headed back to camp. Made a good dinner of leftovers and had a quiet evening watching "Kill Bill" and listening to music. The Midgets The Midgets The Last Resort Home of Cold Beer and Killer Women Last Resort Wall of Fame

Fri, Mar 10

Main Street Scene Got up late and spent the morning cleaning the trailer. Sat in the sun and puttered around most of the afternoon before finally heading downtown (without Boyd) to check out Lollipops. $20 cover was too much, so I had a beer at the Oyster Pub before making my way down to Main Street. Had some more steamed shrimp at WiseGuys (arguing with the bouncer for a while), then headed over to the Bank for a blues band. The Bank Blues Bar Got a great seat on the balcony. After two sets, I went back out to the overcrowded streets. Got a new Celtic buckle (and belt), then headed back to the Cabbage Patch for another band and more music.

Sat, Mar 11

Packing up Got up around 9:00 and began readying the trailer for departure. Hit the road about 1:00, and spent the next two hours in traffic, making only 20 miles. Made it to "South of the Border" to dump, then on into N.C. before stopping around 1:00 am. Ready to Hit the Road

Sun, Mar 12

Slept in until 9:00, then finished the trip home, parking the trailer around 3:30, unpacking, and getting home around 6:00 pm. 'Amazing View' from Molly Brown's Dancing at the Cabbage Patch The Scots and the Band BBQ Stop on the Road Home

This Page Last Updated: 3/06
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