USA Florida
Daytona Bike Week '05

March 5 - 13, 2005.    

Riding with Boyd Boyd the Biker

I had been training Boyd to ride the bike for some time, so it was time to put him to the test and see if he was biker enough to survive Bike Week in Daytona. Bottom Line: He did great, and was quite a hit with everyone there!

Biker Boyd Cruisin' the Campground

Daytona Area Map

Sat, Mar 5

Pete's Boat Pete's Boat Got the Camper (and Boyd) loaded and headed out about 8:00 am for a long drive. Rained a good part of the way, so I was comfortable with the fact I was trailering for the first time. Got to Jacksonville about 9:00 pm, and met Pete at his boat near Jones College. We had a very nice chat on his boat until fairly late in the night, after which I went back to the camper and crashed.

Sun, Mar 6

Settling in at my Campsite Nick & Boyd Boyd Making a new Friend Boyd Admiring his new Friend

Boyd being a Bad Influence Got up and headed out to a great buffet breakfast with Pete before getting on the road again around 11:30am. Made it down to Cacklebery's before 2:00. Checked in, set up camp, and took Boyd over to the Cabbage Patch to check out the place. Ran into Nick almost immediately. Hung out with Nick and his friends for a while before heading over to the Broken Spoke for a while (after dropping Boyd off at the trailer). Moved on to the Iron Horse Saloon around dusk, and spent the rest of the evening there listening to bands and talking to a variety of people (Nick and his friends took off without reconnecting with me). Saw the "Wall of Death" show. Band at the Broken Spoke Broken Spoke Iron Horse Saloon Iron Horse Saloon

Iron Horse: Wall of Death and Bandstand The Wall of Death The Wall of Death Back at the Cabbage Patch for Late Night Dancing

Mon, Mar 7

On the way to Main Street Got up slowly and went over to the Cabbage Patch for a while before heading out with Boyd to check out Main Street. Beautiful day for riding! Parked by the beach and walked around the boardwalk for a while before heading up (and down, and up again) Main Street. The Main Street Pier Parking on the Boardwalk Boyd got a lot of attention, as usual. Wound up hanging out at Wise Guy's Bar, where they had a railing right on the street. Boyd made many friends (and earned me many free beers) by opening beer cans for people. Rode home fairly late.

Main Street Main Street King Arthur's Steed Cool Choppers

Buy the Big Guy a Beer, and the Little Guy will open it! I'll give you a Flash if I can hold the Bird! Making Friends at WiseGuys Making Friends at WiseGuys

Making Friends at WiseGuys Making Friends at WiseGuys Making Friends at WiseGuys Making Friends at WiseGuys

Tue, Mar 8

Boyd Making Friends at Cacklebery's Got up slowly again and after wandering around the Cabbage Patch again (listening to the Band), decided to head back to Main Street for a while. Stopped to look at Lovely Legs Contest some new trailers on the way. Wound up at Wise Guy's again, where Boyd and I made more new friends. Eventually rode back to Camp, checking out some other campgrounds along the way. Spent the evening at the campground, watching the Lovely Legs contest and listening to the bands. Turned in fairly early for a nice night at the trailer.

This Page Last Updated: 4/05
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